Dedicated to “exploring the myriad of ways art can benefit special needs children and their families,”
Angel Boy Art is an online gallery of artwork by children with disabilities, a place where these young artists can both sell their work and share their talent.
The original Angel Boy artist, Louis Angelo Vitale Jr., will be featured with his family on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition this Sunday.
Two-year-old Louie has multiple birth defects, including arthogryposis, club feet, and skeletal displasia.
He started painting as part of his physical therapy, and it has become a great method of self-expression and communication for him.
His mother started Angel Boy Art to spread those benefits to other children.
On the site, you can sign up your child as a new artist, read about programs the foundation is pursuing, and get some good ideas for doing some artwork projects at home.

You can also browse the galleries of the young featured artists, and purchase a print or make a donation.
Angel Boy Art Incorporated is a nonprofit private foundation dedicated to exploring the myriad of ways art can benefit special needs children and their families.
Angel Boy Art Incorporated has three main goals: To help children with special differences flourish, communicate and express themselves through art;
To raise money for special needs children and their families by selling their art;
and To raise public awareness about special needs children and break down the stigma that a handicapped child cannot communicate.
Angel Boy Art Incorporated hosts an online gallery for kids with special needs to show off and/or sell their masterpieces!
All net proceeds raised by sale of an artist’s work go directly to the family of the artist.
Angel Boy Art never takes any commissions or fees of any kind.
Please visit our Art Gallery to browse these beautiful works of art. Visit the New Artist Sign Up page if you are interested in joining us.