Andrew Zimmern of Bizarre Foods America sampled Rocky Mountain Oyster dishes everywhere in Colorado from the baseball park to a Gastropub.
On the latest edition of Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods America, intrepid host Andrew Zimmern got his fill of Rocky Mountain Oysters, or more colloquially, Bulls’ Balls.
He noted that while Denver is a sophisticated city, it never forgets, “It’s a frontier town founded when the west was still wild.”
There is no better example of that than the affinity of the locals for Rocky Mtn. oysters.
What’s new in Bulls’ Balls these days?
Aside from the fact hat they can be found at the Colorado Rockies baseball park all the way up the eatery food chain to fashionable Gastropubs in the area, they are no longer limited to using bulls’ testicles.
Turkey as well as buffalo balls are on the menu, but not when go to the baseball park.
Coors Field
When baseball fans want their fill of Rocky Mtn. Oysters they trudge on over to the concession stand and pick up typical deep fried pieces of once-frozen beef testicles.
Zimmern sampled them and found them wanting in flavor and texture, typically served along side french fries with some cocktail sauce on the side.
Bruce’s Bar
He then cruised north to a city named Severance. Its motto: “Where the birds fly and the bulls cry”. I kid you not. Watch video clip posted below.

There he found Bruce’s Bar where the dish has been on the menu for more than 50 years.
It’s such a hit that Bruce’s Bar holds an annual “Nut Run”, during which motorcycle enthusiasts gather in Severance and consume — are you ready for this —up to one ton of balls. And that is all in one day.
You can try turkey, beef and bison balls although beef sell the most.
Bruce’s recipe starts frozen and gets thawed. He then peels, slices and dredges the pieces in crushed cracker crumbs. Just a few minutes in the frier and they come out ready to eat with some fresh lemon juice squeezed over them and cocktail sauce or your favorite hot sauce served alongside them.
Zimmern samples all three varieties and found the turkey testicles to taste creamy and the bison product a bit gamier and “robust”. Much better than beef, in his opinion, but overall, nothing more than prosaic bar food.
Euclid Hall
Not so at a popular Gastropub and local Denver place with a reputation for quality cooking. Learn more about the Gastropub craze, here.
Chef Jennifer Jasinki only uses young beef testicles that are small, tender and can be very flavorful.
Euclid Hall Recipe: Chef Jennifer slices and peels the balls then soaks them in brine for 24 hours to season and to rid the meat of any impurities. Once rinsed, they are poached for no more than seven minutes.
They are then sliced into round pieces (see photo posted above) and dredged in seasoned flour and sauteed in a skillet. They are then served over jerk-seasoned banana chutney, garnished with sesame seeds, red and green chilis.
Zimmern pronounced them “Delicious, they taste like melt in your mouth pieces of grilled ham.”